NarcBox isn't displaying my screens that I am expecting

NarcBox isn't displaying my screens that I am expecting

Is the NarcBox not displaying the correct available options or correct screens that you are used to?

Have you ever had a problem on the Narcbox where you want to select an option on the home / main menu screen but cannot because the button seems grayed out and unavailable?  Or you are selecting an option and its displaying something other than what you are used to (ie, enter med qty instead of scanning a pouch, etc.)?

First, lets sync your NarcBox to ensure it is getting the latest data from the server and your online account. Check your screen again and see if that resolves the issue.

If not, this most likely means there are online settings that need to be adjusted to allow those NarcBox selections to be available or correct.

If your Manage Inventory is disabled / grayed out, you will need to 'Enable medication tracking' - Tracked Medication - Basic Setup

If your Shift Change and Audit buttons are disabled / grayed out, you will need to enable Shift Change for your account and assign a scheduled to your NarcBox - Shift Change Setup

Are you needing to restock tagged medications or a pouch and the screen is displaying the option to add or subtraction medications (NarcBox screen title shows 'Add/Remove Inventory')?  Are you needing to do an Audit or Shift Change for tagged medications or a pouch and the screen is asking for a QTY to be entered for each med, but it should be asking if you want to do a Quick or Full Audit or telling you to scan the Pouch?  Enable Tracked Medication and/or Pouch

Typically whatever is grayed out or disabled, or isn't displaying correctly, requires that option to be enabled in your online account.  Remember to sync the NarcBox any time a change has been made online so the box reflects the change.

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