NarcBox Pre-Launch Protocol
The following protocol should be performed at least 1-2 weeks prior to your departments GO LIVE date with the NarcBox. Notify NarcBox support team ( of your planned GO LIVE and training dates and set up a call 5-7 days before GO LIVE date to review your launch readiness and assist with any technical issues or questions.
Pre-Launch Checklist
- Install/Place NarcBoxes in their assigned locations (vehicle or station). Permanent mounting is not necessary at this point but can be completed and is highly recommended. Instructions on mounting can be found here -
- Connect the NarcBox to the vehicle and/or station WiFi:
DIRECTIONS: On the NarcBox Main Menu select Settings (Gear Icon) -> WiFi -> Scan for Networks -> Select the network you wish to connect to -> enter password (if necessary) -> Connect -> Back
- Once connected, please perform a manual sync:
DIRECTIONS: On the NarcBox Main Menu select Settings (Gear Icon) -> Sync -> (When Sync OK appears, it is successful)
- Once the sync is completed, please check for firmware updates. Download updated firmware if available. You always want to perform Firmware Updates and any maintenance with the Door Open:
DIRECTIONS: On the NarcBox Main Menu -> Unlock Door (leave open while updating) -> Enter PIN/RFID/BIO; NarcBox Main Menu -> select Settings (Gear Icon) -> NarcBox Settings -> Firmware Update
- Updating your firmware will ensure your box is running to the best of its ability. It is recommended to check for firmware updates at least once a month.
If possible, keep the NarcBox in this location for 3-4 days to test for continuous connectivity and auto reporting functions.
Please contact our NarcBox Launch Support Team to set a time to review your launch readiness and assist with any technical issues or questions.
Thank you!
NarcBox Launch Support Team
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