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NarcBox Firmware Update Changelog
3.41.30/31 - 12/12/2024-12/19/2024 Update/Improvement on Biometrics data Fix NB Error 66 Reboot on 180 screen rotation 3.41.26/28 - 8/30/2024 Fixed shift change flag clearing on reboot in last half of window Fixed adding new biometrics Fixed 'View ...
NarcBox Firmware Updates
Current Firmware released is '3.41.31' for V3 NarcBoxes and '1.60.02' for HQ's. For NarcBoxes that are running on anything lower, updating the firmware is recommended for best performance, stability, and access to the latest features. Please see the ...
Need a NarcBox repaired?
Please open a ticket, email us at, or call us at 888-627-2269 to determine if your NarcBox needs to come in for repairs. There are some issues that we can troubleshoot and fix in the field. Other times there are specific hardware ...
What to do when your Admin is leaving
If a NarcTrak account Admin is retiring or changing jobs, this is what needs to happen before they leave: ***Please contact us if at any time you need assistance in this process at at 888-627-2269 (888-NARCBOX) or through email at ...
How do I mount the NarcBox?
The new pending DEA regulations states that controlled substances need to be stored in a cabinet or safe that "cannot be readily removed". The NarcBox can be secured to a floor or any sturdy surface by drilling through any side of the box, excluding ...