*NEW* - Critical Events and Activity (NTPro only)

*NEW* - Critical Events and Activity (NTPro only)

New for your Reporting page is the Critical Alerts tab.  This is available for all active NarcTrak Pro customers.

Similar to the each users Instant Notifications and Alerts, the Critical Alert settings will apply only to the logged in user.  Each 'user/login' will need to set their own Critical Alert options in their Settings.

Critical Events -> Critical Activity
 After you have logged in, click on the Settings on the navigation panel on the left side of the screen, click on the Critical Events tab near the top right.

Select to enable the Critical Event(s) you would like to appear in your Reporting - Critical Activity Tab

When enabled/disabled, the selection is automatically saved and will appear in your Critical Activity tab every time you log in until changed.  
Also, once a Critical Event is enabled, each time you log in, your new default screen will be the Critical Activity tab (instead of All NarcBox Activity).  You will still have the option to change tabs or search in any reporting tab as usual.

If you have enabled 'RFID Tagged Medication Expired, 'RFID Tagged Medication Expiring Within 30 Days', and/or 'RFID Tagged Medication Expiring 31 to 60 Days,' these will always be shown on the top section of your Critical Activity Tab and can be expanded to Show All detailed information for each Tagged medication.

After the Expired and/or Expiring tagged medications, the remaining of your critical events/activity will appear by date/time (similar to the other reporting tabs).

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