HQ Pouch Transactions

HQ Pouch Transactions

*Printable PDF cards at the bottom of this page

Create New Pouch (new RFID pouch tag)
  1. Select ‘Manage Inventory’
  2. Enter User(s) Credentials - PIN/RFID/BIO
  3. Select 'Pouch' (in top menu), then select ‘Create Pouch’
  4. Scan Pouch RFID or press 'Enter Manually'
  5. Select your Pouch Loadout (Pouch Loadout should be done previously online in your account), select 'Next'  
  6. Add a name for your Pouch (optional)
  7. Stock your Pouch according to the Loadout Expected Values (the medications will highlight green once you have reached the required amount)
  8. Press ‘Next’ when you are finished adding items
  9. Scan your Pouch Security RFID Tag/Seal or press 'Enter Manually' (only if the loadout requires it), select ‘Next’
  10. Select your Pouch Destination, select ‘Next’
  11. Review the Pouch Summary, select ‘Complete’
  12. New Pouch now created

Pouch Check In / Check Out
  1. Select ‘Manage Inventory’ 
  2. Enter User(s) Credentials - PIN/RFID/BIO
  3. Select 'Pouch' (in the top menu), then select ‘Check In/Check Out Pouch’
  4. Scan Pouch RFID or press 'Enter Manually'
  5. Scan Security Seal or press 'Enter Manually'
  6. "Is the Security Seal Broken, Damaged or Missing?" Select 'Yes' or 'No' accordingly 
  7. Select ‘Next’
  8. Select your pouch destination (checking in only), select ‘Next’
  9. Review the Pouch Summary and select ‘Complete/Finish’
  10. Pouch now Checked Out/In

Restock/Reseal Existing Pouch (previously used Tagged Meds and/or Security Seal)
  1. Select ‘Manage Inventory’ 
  2. Enter User(s) Credentials - PIN/RFID/BIO
  3. Select 'Pouches' (in top menu), then select  ‘Restock/Re-Seal’
  4. Scan Pouch RFID or press 'Enter Manually' for the pouch you are Restocking or Re-Sealing
  5. Select your Pouch Loadout (will only show if your Pouch is empty or previously dismantled)
  6. Once you have selected the new Loadout, press 'Next'
  7. Scan RFID Tag to add or select 'Add Tagged Item manually', repeat to add more (must be stocked to Loadout Expected Values to complete this transaction)
  8. The medications will highlight green on the screen once you have reached the required amount
  9. Once all the medications on the left have been highlighted green, press ‘Next’ 
  10. Scan your pouch security RFID Tag/Seal or press 'Enter Manually' (only if the loadout requires a Security Tag/Seal), select ‘Next’
  11. Rename your Pouch (optional), select ‘Next’
  12. Select your Pouch Destination.  If you chose to 'Check Out Pouch Now', then press ‘Next’
  13. If you chose to 'Assign to Locker', select which Locker you want it to be assigned to and then press 'Next'
  14. Review the Restock Summary (confirm Meds, Security Seal, Destination are all correct), select ‘Restock Another Pouch’ then go back to the third step, or select ‘Complete’ if you are done
  15. Existing Pouch now Restocked/Resealed

Full Audit Pouch
  1. Select ‘Manage Inventory’ 
  2. Enter User(s) Credentials - PIN/RFID/BIO
  3. Select 'Pouches' (in top menu), then select ‘Audit’
  4. Select which Locker you would like to audit
  5. Select ‘Full Audit’
  6. Scan or press 'Enter RFID Manually' for all Tagged items in your Locker
  7. Press ‘Next’ when you are done with Tagged Medications
  8. Now you will audit Non-Tagged medications (if you don't have Non-Tagged medications skip this step by pressing 'Next')
  9. Select each Non-Tagged medication (one at a time) and enter how many vials you have, then select 'Done' to enter in the next medication
  10. When you have finished entering the amounts of Non-Tagged medications, select ‘Next’
  11. Review your full audit summary and select ‘Finish’ when you are done
  12. Review the screen one more time time to ensure everything is correct and select ‘Confirm' when you are done
  13. "Audit Pouches?" select ‘Yes’
  14. Select Pouch from the list or scan Pouch RFID, then select ‘Next’
  15. Scan the Pouch Security Seal/Tag or press 'Enter Manually' then confirm that the seal is not broken, damaged, or missing, then select ‘No’
  16. Audit is complete for this pouch. It will now take you back to the pouch audit selector screen so that you may audit others if you have them. If you are done press the home button and your audit is complete.

Dismantle Pouch

  1. Select 'Manage Inventory'
  2. Enter User(s) Credentials - PIN/RFID/BIO
  3. Select 'Pouches' (in top menu, then select 'Dismantle Pouch'
  4. Scan the Pouch RFID or press 'Enter Manually'
  5. Review Pouch Content, change destination of meds if needed
  6. Review Summary
  7. Select 'Complete'
  8. Pouch now dismantled

  1. Select ‘Manage Inventory’ 
  2. Enter User(s) Credentials - PIN/RFID/BIO
  3. Select 'Pouches' (in top menu), then select ‘Retire Pouch
  4. Scan Pouch RFID or press 'Enter Manually'
  5. If you are retiring the pouch make sure to Dismantle Pouch before hand
  7. Select reason for removal of pouch and then select 'Next'
  8. Review Retire Pouch Summary screen and ensure that YOU WILL NEVER NEED TO USE THIS POUCH ID TAG AGAIN
  9. When you are finished reviewing the summary select 'Complete'
  10. Pouch now Retired

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