How do I reset my NarcBox?
There are two ways to reset/reboot your NarcBox. Be sure to always wait about 1-2 minutes after a reset for the box to fully reboot, find a connection, etc.
- For NarcBoxes with serial number 2300+ (or if your box has been upgraded): Unplug the power cord for 1 minute or more, once it is plugged back in the box will automatically reset. Be sure to wait 1-2 minutes before touching the NarcBox screen so the box can do a full reset.
For boxes with firmware v2.22+ and under v3.11 : On the NarcBox screen Menu press Settings (Gear Icon) -> System Info -> Tech info -> Maintenance -> Reset
For boxes with firmware v3.12+ : On the NarcBox screen Menu press Settings (Gear Icon) -> System -> Maintenance -> Reset
For boxes with firmware v3.40+ : On the NarcBox screen Menu press Settings (Gear Icon) -> NarcBox System -> Reset
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