NarcBox Firmware Update Changelog

NarcBox Firmware Update Changelog

3.41.30/31 - 12/12/2024-12/19/2024
  1. Update/Improvement on Biometrics data
  2. Fix NB Error 66 Reboot on 180 screen rotation

3.41.26/28 - 8/30/2024
  1. Fixed shift change flag clearing on reboot in last half of window
  2. Fixed adding new biometrics
  3. Fixed 'View Inventory' down arrow for more than 5 meds
  4. WiFi Improvements
    1. allows display up to 64 characters (SSID and password)
    2. WiFi Symbol updating (green, flash yellow, yellow, red)
    3. Rebuilt WiFi Monitor - faster reconnections to previous connected wifi
    4. Sorted by high to low signal strength on scanning
  5. Fixed Temperature decimals
  6. Fixed allowing EMT to be a secondary for any 2 person transaction when security profile requires 2 people

3.41.01 - 3/21/2024
  1. Updated Shift Change and Audit flexibility for NTPro Subscribers
    1. increased intervals up to 1 month
    2. added flexible grace period - 1, 2, 3, or 4 hour before and after time selected
    3. included shift change/audit time to be on half hour instead of just the hour
  2. Add info to Sleep scroll screen
    1. Shift Change due - if in the shift change window
    2. Next SC
    3. Last SC
  3. Added 'beep' on door left open if returned to logo screen, repeats every 3 seconds
  4. New driver architecture on I2C com bus
  5. Adjust keypad appearances
  6. RFID starts w/ '00' issue resolved
  7. PIN starts w/ '0' on high user count issue resolved.
  8. LMU, Med name relocated
  9. Brightness of sleep screen adjusted.  Left on 18, if in SC window is 50.
  10. Drug page management adjusted
  11. Consolidated sd management; Drugpage, Configpage, and wifipage
  12. Cleaned up bugs causing 'NB Error 66' rebooting loops.

3.40.02/03 - 9/29/2023
  1. Fixed manual RFID Entry for Log Med Use.

3.40.00/01 - 9/21/2023
  1. Changes to screen appearance with new fonts, colors, and graphics to create a more intuitive, natural experience.
  2. "View Inventory," feature allows you to quickly see your RFID medication quantities in current NarcBox inventory.
  3. More visible/helpful medication names displayed during audits, shift changes, and re-seals for pouches.
  4. Additional descriptions and clarification as you navigate from screen to screen.
  5. See battery status from home screen.
  6. Quicker daily shift changes.
  7. Up to 30% faster software updates, syncs and other functions.
  8. Increased RFID reading sensitivity and responsiveness.
  9. Updated biometric print management backend architecture
  10. Increase user qty per box, PINS - 1993, RFID/BIO - 500

3.30.02 - 9/26/2022
  1. HotFix: updated how report saves while WiFi is connected but no data flow.

3.29.991/3.30.00 - 8/19/2022
  1. Required 2 User for Medication Usage at beginning - To fulfill DEA recommendations.  Exception if 'Shift Change allowing a single medic to perform the transaction' is enabled.
  2. Pouch feature - Allowing EMT to be a second credential on a Pouch Reseal
  3. Pouch errors - 8M, new.csv - required correct folder to open during these transactions
  4. Biometric improvement baseline
  5. If NarcBox is updating from Firmware 3.29.99 to anything above, it will Format the SD Card before Downloading Update - Creates a clean baseline, to prevent unneccessary junk buildup and ability to identify irregularities better

3.29.99 - 3/28/2022
  1. Increase memory space. Adjusted structure. Keeping under 70% safety margin.
  2. Added button to enable/disable diagnostics reporting - for future diagnostics. Settings, System, Maintenance, Diagnostics, SD Card, Diagnostics Enabled/Disabled
  3. Format SD card on Firmware Update, then sync. (SD format will only run if Firmware begins from 3.29.99)
  4. Added Inventory Sync to regular Sync (if med tracking enable, leaving Inventory Sync button for now)
  5. Save Config/WifiPage on SD Format/Firmware Update
  6. IDpage, EIDSavePage, ItemArea and PouchArea Loop Fixes.
  7. Fixed RFID Save and SD Push Page Loop.
  8. Rewrote EID and RFID Save pages
  9. Fixed Untagged Mode, medication list being lost on boot up.
  10. Send Dump reports when checking the Read/Write side of the SD card.
  11. Add last 3 login pin attempts in diagnostics - bad dump report
  12. Bug fix, where logClearLogEntry() needs to clear pouch, item and userid's
  13. Bug fix when data buffers are of different sizes
  14. Fixes items checkout of an item when it is not in the box.
  15. Fixed why firmware update would intermittently reset the box. 
  16. Fix rfid decode to use only 4 bytes of data (8 nibbles). Originally 32 was used which caused overrun of buffer
  17. Fix continuously sync rotating and staying on "sync" message when sync button is pressed.
  18. Fixed pouch checkin/checkout when user scans the pouch but then goes into keyboard, then cancels. The previous tag scanned sometimes would be saved.
  19. Patch - don't move lock unless credential is entered.  Permanent Fix will look at sensor data.
  20. Fix multi pouch where the security tag of the second pouch transferred in would have the wrong security tag.
  21. Tagged Iitem, shift change with zero tags. Need to be able to have counts_by_med: no_items. Currently it will get 500 errors until the server supports it.

3.29.96/98 - 5/18/2021
  1. 2 Pouch Max implemented
  2. Compress User page - (allows max users 1400 - PIN security only)
  3. Dump Report Format
  4. Audit Picklist limit to 8 characters
  5. Inventory Sync Error - 1 file only fix
  6. Pouch Transfers saved to SD card to support multi pouch
  7. Fix Items, med name not showing up sometimes
  8. Create archive copy of idPage

3.29.87/92 - 5/18/2021
  1. This firmware has added the ability to read the metadata from RFID tagged meds. This allows medications to be transferred in or out of the box even if there is no wifi available. The item will have to have been checked out from an HQ running HQ firmware 1.50 or higher in order for the RFID tag to contain any of the metadata.  (Pouch check in/out still requires full internet access as of this release. )
  2. Bug fix - Capital "U" not working on landscape screens
  3. Bug fix - Manual RFID tag entry causing corrupt reports
  4. Bug fix - Shift change "skip" function was possible to report the single medic twice in the shift change report.
  5. Temperature added to all calls
  6. Boot screens show file service and file status.
  7. Adjusted back end admin units while creating reports
3.29.72/74 - 5/18/2021
  1. Pouch stability improvements. Added extra confirm screens, warnings, etc
  2. Missing data fixes (PINs, Items, Pouches gone, ect)
  3. SD File lock - Set limit to 2 file/folders open at a single time. (Will drop to 1 as we develop next version)
  4. Unmount FS while sleeping
  5. Firmware Update Available - Show "Update Available" on Sync button - When you manually press the sync button, if there is a firmware update available the system will now alert you when the sync is finished
  6. Transfer Item out of a pouch - You can now transfer an item out of a pouch.
  7. Prevent Pouch ID from being double scanned as Pouch Security Tag
  8. Fixed Door lock during a shift change - We found if you changed the door state during the shift change process, it would clear data from the screen
  9. If you have 'missing meds' from an audit, you are now alerted on the screen - The system now alerts you if you 'continue' through an audit and don't select all your meds. Some people were continuing without realizing there were more pages, or that they needed to select all items.

3.29.59 - 4/23/2021
  1. Tagged Med Item capacity bumped to 50 Items per box. Pouch remains 32 for now. Transfer ins/outs limited to 12 per transaction.
  2. Refactor Biometric print management phase 1 - If there are any differences in prints between Narcbox and server, box just clears and re-downloads all prints. 
  3. Fixed bug -  Untagged meds sticking on "Saving changes" screen until door closes. Screen now de-pops without the door being involved. 
  4. Shift Change Fixes - Improvements and preparation for shift change intervals beyond 24 hours.  Addresses pouch and power cycles during a shift change window causing "missed" alerts
  5. Remove help menu in some places and display data there; like med names, ect. This will be an ongoing evolution.
  6. Fix 01234 default PIN if there are no codes in the box. 
  7. Several UI updates, addition confirm screens, heap overflow fixes, losing pouch bugs all addressed.
  8. Some safeguards added to prevent a bad wifi connection or network response from causing any data loss. This will be a growing protocol over the next few releases. 

3.29.44/45 -3/12/2021
  1. Inventory Sync - For Tagged Meds and Pouch - allows the clients to sync the inventory with what is on the server.  Currently, Inventory Sync is a button back on the diagnostics menu. It may soon be rolled in with regular syncs automatically after it is more field proven. It does not need regular touches, one reason we buried it.
  2. Fix - Security/Lock update
  3. Update - Pouch UI 
  4. Med config sync update - patches to communicate med settings better

3.29.37 - 2/21/2021
  1. Chunk Decoder Implementation - Properly parses 'chunked' responses from the server - prevents possible data loss for larger accounts with over 100 users
  2. Fix: Max Item Limit to 32 - incidentally was only 31 
  3. Fix: Pouch reporting 'missed shift change'
  4. Fix: default PIN after SD re-init
  5. *Unofficial* support for 1000 PIN users (from 500) per box
  6. Pouch popup/confirm window cleanup
  7. Fix: Pouch Landscape graphics

3.29.33 - 1/29/2021
  1. RTC (round the clock) is running - gives several days  (est. 10) of timekeeping while the NarcBox is offline in the event of a dead battery, power loss, or power cycle.
  2. Sleep and Silent wake enhancements
  3. Fix - sends any corrupt cache file data to bad_report_dump URL on server for analysis. This could've caused the box to need re-init on the SD Cards, now the boxes should be self healing in regards to the cache file. 
  4. Add chip protection logic to make communication systems on circuit board more robust. In future, may add general diagnostic data on boot screen or specific diagnostics screen to help with debug, or installations issues, etc.
  5. Pouch Flow Released
  6. Added stability of Pouch and Items inventory flows. Clearing buffers/controller heaps prevent bad data getting to screens and ensures memory used by those functions are properly completed.

3.29.00 - 12/28/2020
  1. Pouch Demo Updates - Pouch not 'officially' supported yet. 
  2. Memory usage adjusted - decrease RAM allocation peak of 80% to 68%
  3. Updated lock controller responsiveness
  4. Updated 'log timer' on Queries
  5. Bug fix - Empty Audit - no longer leaves junk in items file.  Empty Audit now clears junk from items file
  6. Some optimization of system interrupts - low priority processes could interfere with SD writes, WiFi comms, etc.

3.28.56 - 11/20/2020
  1. Small Pouch features added for demo
  2. Fixed some WiFi's not saving, freezing on connecting causing reboot
  3. Removed queue file
  4. Update cache timer - updated to 10 minutes
  5. Fixed boxes not syncing after failing to sync once
  6. SD management cleanup - runs status and checks for file integrity only

3.25.05 - 8/14/2020
  1. Fixed losing saved Networks/Credentials on reboot
  2. Bio fixes - Removed delete all prints if bio fails at boot
  3. SD fixes, Buffer warnings fixed, Archived folder creation, SD file size open failure fixed

3.28.03/04 - 8/7/2020
  1. Improved management of weak/faded WiFi signals
  2. Hidden network improvements - 1 network with roaming support
  3. Cleaned up WiFi command mode/semaphore code
  4. Closed a WiFi config loop on the wifinav screen
  5. Biometric availability more reliable

3.28.02 - 6/26/2020
  1. RFID Manual entry capabilities
  2. Several GUI fixes (enhancements) regarding updated text, text placement, and user feedback
  3. Report controller was updated to show separate times for inventory functions, and their associated log access.

  1. SD card management update -
    1. No more file creation at boot. This was causing data loss. (most data loss issues were this)
    2. Several functions updated with retry code for increased robustness 
  2. Fix access rules involving Skip button - If skip was used in some scenarios, it generated an error
  3. Fix access rule involving single user/dual auth on shift change. Both users will be required for both auth types
  4. Fix manual entry of nontagged inventory transfer in/out. On 3.27, only the arrows work. Now you can touch the med name and bring up a keypad
  1. WiFi Improvements 
    1.  Less likely getting "WiFi config" error due to weak network strength.
    2.  Hidden Network improvements
  2. Biometric improvements to reduce "Duplicate ID" and improved downloade speeds
  3. Malformed message reports significantly reduced.
  4. SD cache page corruption, file sizes reduced to resolve. Better configured memory usage parameters and buffers to optimize data format.
  5. Fixed - Sync User PINS, EIDS and RFID bugs that impacted clients who have a very large number of users.
  6. Fixed - Queued reports for offline events. 

3.27.03 - 4/20/2020
  1. Fixed - Losing PINs/Bad ID's (requires, re-entry of network connection to trigger change)
  2. Fixed - Alert Freezing, Hang at screen wake
  3. Added - additional 3 sync attempts if initial attempt fails
  4. Fixed - SD reinit credentials - only 1 configured PIN at time of reinit
  5. Fixed - Bio "Duplicate ID", SD reinit also dumps bio sensor

3.27-3.27.02 - 2/6/2020
  1. Bio fix - duplicated IDs and error
  2. Fixed - Temperature alerts
  3. Fixed - Tagged Meds and Employee ID errors
  4. Fixed - Random Wake
  5. Fixed - Semaphore Hangup
  6. Arch upgrades - Remove: 'Services' folder, EFC folder, Nand library from compiler library, TMP100 file, FATfs folders from compiler options, '3 minute sleep timer'. Compartmentalize alerts, Investigate PIN seeking alert, Consolidate buffers into one file.
  7. Fixed - Reboot Loop
  8. Fixed - Sleep Fixes (clear semaphore, removed wait loops)
  9. Fixed - SD issues - 'Init failed, Config file', SD fail 'return', removed 3 sec delay
  10. Fixed - autojoin error, looks for READY at wifi init, watchdog timer reset 10 sec connection

3.26 - 2/11/2020
  1. SD Management update
  2. SD Reinitialization password protected
  3. WiFi Configure error fix

3.25 - 1/10/2020
  1. EMT Pins allowed on shift changes and inventory audits
  2. Manual/hidden network management vastly improved
  3. Fixed Drug Query issue
  4. PIN seeking alert updated
  5. Temperature reporting fix
  6. Store med state on SD card so it does not default to untagged on cold boot
  7. Several button moves/UI updates for improved flow
  8. Missed shift change bug fix

3.19-3.24 -  12/10/2019
  1. Added Tagged Med option
  2. Fixed Door lock reporting on Tagged, Log Med Use, and Cancel
  3. Adjusted door auto lock on Tagged Log Med Use
  4. Fixed Unit count on Log Med Use, Select med and Cancel
  5. WiFi Improvements and Cleanup
  6. Latch Sensor adjustments
  7. Missed Shift Change adjustments
  8. Fixed Screen Rotation
  9. Fixed Biometric Bug
  10. Added decimal entries

3.17/3.18 - 8/26/2019
  1. Changed: Narcbox logo on Screensaver
  2. Added: Shift Changed button split into Shift Change and Inventory Audit
    1. Disable both when website settings say to disable.
  3. Removed:  Support for 48, 72, 96 or anything greater than 24 removed.
  4. Changed: No more Shift Change Missed.  Only Inventory Audit Missed.
  5. Note: Either Shift Change or Inventory Audit will stop a Shift Change Missed Alert.
  6. Added: Screen is reset upon wakeup.
  7. Added: Clear Settings in Diagnostics now sets it back to default.
  8. Rewrote: Logic for Shift Change Missed.  This should be cleaner and easier to debug. 
  9. Key testing areas are:
    1. 8, 12 hour shift change
    2. Hours 0, 1 and hours 22, 23.  Since that is where the logic rolls over.
    3. Shift Change missed report on the next time a report is due.
  10. Changed: Inventory Audit authorization is exactly like Shift Change Authorization except labels.
  11. Changed: Fingerprint Quality to 1 (the lowest it can go)
  12. Added: 200ms delay in calls to stop the open errors.  Added to the rest of the calls that didn't have it.
  13. Added: Disabled PWM output when not being used.  Stops bug where door won't unlock or lock.
  14. Added: Support to clear drug settings.
  15. Fixed: MultiSync bug.  Was not working.
  16. Fixed (3.18):  Landscape mode coming out of sleep was updating screen properly and buttons not working.
  17. Fixed (3.18):  Sync when changing account esp. going from Narcbox demo to Tualatin (2 sync message) was not updating the ExtraInfoFlags properly.  Because it thought it had to go to medSyncEnqueud which set ExtraInfoFlags to DrugPage.extra_info.flags (which still had the old data because in the general sync DrugPage.extra_info flags wasn't updated until !gSyncMore).  So the syncStartMedSync would set ExtraInfoFlags to the old value.
  18. Added:  200 ms in register and auth code to prevent open errors.

3.16 - 7/19/2019
Added Biometric Capability
Fixed Door bouncing issue
Added ability to clear drugs setting in diagnostic button
Added robustness on SD card. Added format ability also added warnings if file can't be opened. Added retry loops.
Added Disable SD card when not being used
Fixed disable firmware download if the WiFi is not up or it is not on.  (Used to be only if it wasn't on)
Fixed Sync Missed Alerts so that it was comparing to zero

Fixed Log Messages, continuous reboots
Disabled alerts until after power up and full sync
Added time stamp on alerts
Fixed Temperature comparison
Added Temperature alerts
Fixed Log access message after firmware download
Fixed Dual Auth to show both auth types displayed in log messages
Fixed WiFi error message for no password entered if one is required
Fixed Overwrite duplicate WiFi SSID
Fixed Cancel Shift change not reporting door open
Verified Cancel Restock reports door open.  Log Med Use is not supposed to open door

Fixed sync and sync header
Added/Fix WiFi specs

3.13 - 4/9/2019
Performance impact:
1.) Fixed: Power on Syncs now have reset enabled (full syncs)
2.) Fixed: Log reporting so that EIDs can appear as a type. Cleaned up entire reporting from 3.12.
No impact to performance/customers:
3.) Changed: REPORT_TEMPERATURE flag renamed to LOG_TEMPERATURE.
Note: Graying out Biometrics button not implemented yet.

3.12 and 2.58 - 4/8/2019
Fixed: Shift change reporting even without medications.
Ported: WiFi changes; update V2 to current V3/3.12 level.

3.11 - 3/2019
Fix delete WiFi

3.10 - 2/18/2019
Fixed RFID failing when there is a large user base with RFID
Fixed Sync file append
Sync now refreshes the entire SD card database rather than updating
Previous method could result in a database freeze, and lose the ability to add creds
                  (no field reports of this)
Update DNS protocol
Write DNS name to DNS server when boot
Set RN171 DNS backup (was never configured)
Add DNS backup IP (3rd option)
            Should reduce the open error frequency
NarcBox serial number now shows up on the network.
Devices are called "Narcbox_serial".
So Narcbox 2290 shows up on the IP table as Narcbox_2290

3.08/9 and 2.57 - 1/2019
Stability Update
Small performance fixes

3.07 and 2.56 - 12/10/2018
Significant Performance Update:
  Improved connection handling
  Fixed WiFi sleep mode
  Sync Speed Increase
  Various bog fixes
Fix Void Opt fields bug
Lockout normal report comms in firmware update
503/502 call back
Dynamic byte counting all calls
WiFi credential fail, abandon network
Remove extra CLOS statements
Fix SID bug
Fix WiFi stack sleep bug
Huge UI performance increases
Much more stable connection handling
Wake comms more reliable
No known hangs/delays

3.06 and 2.55 - 11/1/2018
Fix some minor bugs reports and a few known select WIFI connection issues.

3.04 and 2.54 - 10/10/2018
Update - User's name will now show above "Log Out"
Update - Default security profile that will work for both V2 AND V3 boxes
Update – Add “Personal Setting” tab, admin/super to receive customized alerts/notifications.
Update - Report Log Medication Filtering
Update – Time Zone Management Feature
Fix - Admins/Supers can reactivate RFID cards after removing it from a user's account
Fix - Minor performance tweaks with time zones
Fix – Medical History Retention
Fix – Server Rejecting Reports
Fix – CSV Report Exports Formatting

3.03 - 9/24/2018
Update - Changes from 3.01/3.02
RFID online
Connectivity improvements
Bug fix - duplicate reports in offline or bad connectivity scenarios. 

2.51 - 5/11/2018
Update - Change Auto sync frequency to 12 hours, changed update format for lower data usage
Update - Allow connections to Open networks
Fix - Monitor Mode Event Logging
Fix - Requiring Medication count during shift change without inventory enabled
Fix - Several API updates for more robust performance in challenging communication environments
Fix - Special characters causing med reports to fail

2.50 - 2/10/2018
Par level Firmware release - 2.50+ is required to track inventory on NarcBoxes

2.44 - 8/16/2017
Bug fix - RFID state and Admin access conflict resolved
Bug fix - Correct error in shift change and med reports when dual authentication is selected
Various cosmetic fixes/improvements

2.43 - 6/1/2017
Update Access rules so Admins/medics are granted different access levels

2.42 - 3/28/2017
Allow connection to hidden WiFi networks
Update WiFi connection handling to always connect to the strongest available network. Previously, the NarcBox connected in order of priority on it's saved list. Now the Narcbox will prioritize the strongest connection as the best option. 
Bug fix - Graphics errors on a couple of rotated screens. 

After running the firmware update, you should see "v2.42" in the top right corner of the logo screen. If you do not see this number, please power cycle the box. This can be done by unplugging the box, then unplugging the internal battery for 5 seconds. Plug the battery back in, and the box back in to external power. The battery connector is very small and might require the use of needle-nose pliers. If you have a Narcbox with serial number 1299 or greater, you don't need to remove power. There is a small black button inside the case at the top of the circuitboard, right next to where the WiFi antenna plugs in. If you press that button, you will reboot the Narcbox with a power cycle. Just above the button the word "Reset" printed on the circuitboard. 

2.41 - 2/28/2017
Fix bug in Dual PIN access control. 

2.39/2.40 - 2/10/2017
Reporting available WiFi signal strength, and current connection signal strength
Improved visibility through WiFi connection process
Connectivity enhancements, expanded router compatibility
Hide screens function active, with admin bypasss
Reworked WiFi/tech info screens
Firmware download handling improved. 
Fix icons disappearing on rotated screens
Fix RN171 fail message in rotated configuration
Add RFID capability to firmware update. Can now use RFID cards to update firmware (older firmware was PIN only)

2.38 - 12/13/2016
Fix Verizon mifi connection problems
Update Autosync 24 hour schedule
Fix bug causing med reports to fail through certain mifis
Break in alert update - Gate reporting to 1 event max every 30 minutes
PIN seeking alert update - Only send report if incorrect PIN is entered 3 times within 1 minute
Change med log data entry to keypad

2.37 - 9/5/2016
Increased med units to a max of 150 (was 70)
Reporting improvements

2.36 - 8/1/2016
Improved stability
Battery life ~60 hours

2.35 - 7/11/2016
Medication Tracking full release-
All Med tracking capabilities are live
WiFi on demand - WiFi will power down when it is not needed
Fix logged reports not being sent after reboot
Low Power enhancements (time on battery now over 50 hours)
New Sync and Report protocol support entry type (RFID/PIN)
Temperature alerts live
Security Mode functionality live

Faster RFID read
Improve network stability

Fix WiFi network scan causing not all networks to be reported
Fix delete active network bug causing hang
Low power enhancements (+6 hours of run time on battery)
Dim screen in standby
Automatically re-lock the door if access is granted, but the door isn't opened. 10 Second wait
Better visibility from system messages

Fix Clock seconds counter
Move WiFi diagnostics function under diagnostics tab in maintenance
Add flash diagnostics functions
Fix "More" button not loading more networks
Screen Rotation

WiFi Speed 10x
Fix RFID bug causing error in reading some cards
Account info sent to Narcbox System Info screen

Improved stability
Fix failed sync reporting
Improved firmware download handling

RFID online

Initial release

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