Account Access

Account Access

How many administrator logins can I have on the website?

There can be an unlimited amount of administrator logins under your account.  However, the purpose of an administrator login is to modify settings, monitor NarcBox Events, configure personal notifications, adjust security settings, etc.  It is recommended to have at least 2 Admins for each account.


How many users can I load into our account?

Your NarcBox Account can hold approximately 9,999 employees.  Each NarcBox can allow up to 2,000 user credentials.  You will need to have the NarcTrak Pro subscription to load more than 100 users to your account.  Please contact us for more information.


Can I require 2 people to open the NarcBox?  Or can I require 1 person to have two methods of identification to open the NarcBox (i.e. RFID card and PIN)?

Yes, both options are available and can be selected by any NarcBox Account Admin on the website under Settings and the Security tab.

Can I download, save, or print reports?

All reports can be viewed and saved in Microsoft Excel on the Reporting page or under Export Reports.

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